There are hidden notes above in CMS.


  • perceiving, synthesizing and inferring information
  • perception (auditory, visual)
  • synthisyzing
  • conclusion
  • decision


  • perceive
  • organize
  • synthesize
  • conclusion
  • decision
  • execution


artificial intelligence requires programming ... real intelligence requires programming, too

"machine learning?" ... we have been programmed to acquire and use language, so we can


  1. realization (my programming)
  2. perception
  3. organization
  4. evaluation (compare / contrast)
  5. store / add to memory
  6. synthesize
  7. conclude
  8. respond


  1. perception
  2. organization
  3. evaluation
  4. retention
  5. incorporation
  6. conclusion 
  7. application  - action is taken even if the action is inaction

why is computer intelligence called "artificial"?

  • it is opposed to "natural" or "true" or "real"
  • non-living vs. living

intelligence: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge & skills - the skilled use of reason (reason is best understood because it always asks the question "why?"


  • acquiring knowledge
  • manipulating one's environment
  • thinking abstractly

Machines can be "wiped", in humans it is typically referred to as "washed" ... essentially means the same thing.

In humans, "wiping" usually is done by overwriting previous programming.

  • reasoning (asking "why?")
  • problem solving
  • learning

Intelligence integrates cognition (perception, attention, memory, language and planning)  planning is essentially "writing a program or a script"

Intelligence is the ability to comprehend complex IDEAS

Intelligence is the ability to deconstruct complex ideas into their several components

Intelligence is the ability to intregrate different components (scripts) that form a cohesive the whole (program or application)


  1. adapt behavior
  2. select the most appropriate contexts
  3. change the environment when adaptation or selection do not provide and acceptable option


  • Educational (mind, intellectual - information)
  • Empirical (body, physical - experiences )
  • Etherial (soul, spiritual - sensing or feeling)
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