Can You Solve Problems and Resolve Conflicts?

Can You Solve Problems and Resolve Conflicts?

Can You Solve Problems and Resolve Conflicts?

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems and eliminate internal conflicts when new information will NOT "fit" in your belief system.

IRQ conflicts?

(Interrupt Request)

There is a hierarchy to these numbers in a PC, the lower (more foundational) the number, the higher it's priority ... 

An Interrupt Request is a signal from a hardware device on your computer to your CPU. When a hardware device needs the CPU to do something (such as move the cursor as you move the mouse), the device sends an Interrupt Request to the CPU. Since a CPU can get several of these Interrupt Requests at once from various devices along the same path (e.g., the serial port or the PCI bus), it needs a way to distinguish between them. To do so, the computer assigns an Interrupt Request number (the IRQ number) to each device and its path to the CPU.

The Interrupt Request made through the device's IRQ number signals the CPU that the device has a request that needs processing. (A hardware device that needs attention from the CPU is often referred to as "needing servicing".) IRQ numbers are assigned during the boot process to each hardware device that needs one.

A device requires an IRQ number if it is able to provide input to the CPU or start an action. The IRQ number is a numeric way to assign the priority that the devices have with the CPU. The lower the value of the IRQ number, the more important the need for the input or action to take place. Some devices that are assigned IRQ numbers include the disk drive controllers (floppy and hard disk), mouse, keyboard, and sound card.

An IRQ conflict happens when two devices attempt to use the same IRQ number, and the operating system or motherboard has no mechanism for accommodating this. These conflicts were common in older versions of Windows, but occur only rarely in modern versions of the operating system. IRQ conflicts result in errors because the CPU can't figure out which device really owns the IRQ number. An IRQ conflict can cause problems severe enough to freeze, or lock up, your computer.

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