Are You a Thinker?

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Are You a Thinker?

Thinkability is "the ability to think."

  • Are you able to think?  YES, you are!  You have thinkability.

Each and every living thing that has a brain has the ability to think.  Creatures with "higher" intelligence have a more refined ability to think than "lower" creatures.

I suppose there has always been conflicts between people because of their thinking; if they think; how they think; and what they think.



What Do You Think?

It doesn't matter to me so much if you think like I think, but I do hope you are actively and purposefully thinking

  • What we BELIEVE should be informed by what we THINK.
  • BELIEVING and KNOWING are not synonymous, they are different things.
  • Also, what we "KNOW" is sometimes wrong.  Our KNOWLEDGE may be false knowledge and a thinking person will acknowledge this reality.
Are You a Thinker?
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